Day Five-Orphanage

The team tonight in downtown San Jose after souvenir shopping.
We are already on Day 5 of our Costa Rica trip! In some ways it feels like we have been here forever, but in other ways it feels like the time is flying by! Today we spent almost the entire day at the Asociation Infantil Hogar Sol, an orphanage in San Jose. We were unable to take any photos today due to the nature of protecting the privacy of the orphans, but I think because we did not have our phones and cameras our students and staff were even more engaged and will remember this day for a long time. 

Below are some reflections from today:   

Gage Galloway

The beauty in visiting this orphanage was the opportunity to step away from all of life's problems and just play; nothing in the world could have made these kids happier than to do nothing but enjoy each other's company, even if we could hardly communicate. We were not allowed to ask about the children's past nor should we have, and most importantly no pictures. This gave us an opportunity to wholly focus on the children and live in the moment. These kids were so enthralled by our enthusiasm to be with them they truly felt wanted. And, through interacting and playing with the kids, we saw God's love, peace, and joy radiating from each and every one of them. Personally, this experience gave me not only humility, but appreciation for the most basic blessings in life. 

Christian Smith
We went to an orphanage today and played with a lot of kids. We played soccer with some of the older kids and we chased the younger ones around the entire complex. The baby girl was especially sweet, I got to hold her several times throughout the day. Jake, Mayson, Cameron and I also cleaned the spiderwebs off of the light fixtures, organized the storage closet, and helped rearranged items in the orphanage. 

Erica Boer

Playing, joy, and laughter are all things that transcend a language barrier. Being at the orphanage today was humbling. Seeing how little they had and knowing they don't go home to a mom and dad and still desire to laugh and play was so cool. We, myself included, get so caught up in the trivial things in life but these children opened my eyes and heart so look beyond the material and how things affect me selfishly and to seek joy in every situation. 

JD Boer

Playing at the orphanage today was a great experience for all involved. Most of the time we had no idea what the children were trying to communicate, but there was still plenty of joy and laughter during the time that we spent there. It has been great to witness this group of young people come together. We have great kids on this trip - they are willing to serve, have fun, and learn more about their world and great big God. Along with that, the supporting staff here at HPS has been amazing! We are loving every moment of this trip!

Zach Dinsmore

When I heard we were going to the orphanage I was a little nervous because I had never really interacted with orphans before. Once we got there and I started to play with the kids, I got really into it. I really connected with one of the kids who we called "Blue Savage". We called him that because at first he was not very happy and he had on a blue hoodie. After we played with him for a little bit we started smiling and became the happiest kid I have ever seen. It was amazing to see so much joy from someone even if things were not going their way. It was really an eye opener to see that we are so blessed with what we have that there is not reason to complain; we need to just be grateful for what we have. 

Bridgette Ronan

Playing with the kids at the orphanage today was an amazing experience that I wouldn't trade for the world. Even though we couldn't speak the kids' language entirely, the kids were so joyful and understanding. I was nervous at first to go to the orphanage because of the language barrier, but after meeting the kids and seeing how joyful they were, that timidness went away. We played all kinds of games with the kids and even jumped on a trampoline. I remember playing with one kid specifically. We had a sword fight with balloons, played tag, and soccer. He was always so joyful which reminded me that I need to be joyful in everything. The kids were so amazing and it was incredible to see so much joy in one place. It was interesting to see that even though they might not have everything they want, they are joyful and content with what they have. It was a great reminder to seek joy in everything that we do.

Mayson Heyninck

Today we got the chance to go visit the orphanage. When we arrived the kids swarmed the bus, because they were so excited to see us. We were the first big group that had ever come to play with them. At first it was a little awkward because of the language barrier, but that was easily fixed when laughs were exchanged. I was able to see God through the kids' joy. No matter their situation, they were still able to enjoy life to the fullest. I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to play with a sassy little girl and the cutest baby who had the prettiest eyes. These kids taught me the importance of joy (Galatians 5:16-26). I can be very negative at times, and seeing how grateful these kids are when they have nothing, shows that joy can be found in all situations. 

Kelly Clausen

I was so incredibly proud of our students today. At first, when we arrived at the orphanage, it was a little bit awkward. As they day went on our students came alive and did not let the language barrier stop them. This orphanage is a home for kids who have emotional and physical disabilities and after a few hours of playing with the kids every single one of them was smiling. The thing that blessed me most today was when we delivered a check to the orphanage. Sydney Herzog, as part of her senior project, raised an additional $1,050 above the cost of her trip in order to donate it to this orphanage. When we delivered the check and the owner opened the envelope she was in shock because it was so much money! She couldn't believe it and continually told us that said this was a serious blessing from God and an answer to prayer. We are committing to praying that this money would multiply and be able to bless the children at this orphanage more than we could ask or imagine! 

A letter of thanks from the Orphanage Director

The SJO police did not like that we were taking this picture...whoops! 


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