2023 - Final Trip Thoughts and Reflections
- High – My main high was getting to spend time with people and get to know them. I absolutely love people and so I loved feeling like their sister. I also loved communicating with and pouring into people and kids who didn’t even speak the same language. It seemed like a glimpse of heaven, especially with the Costa Rican worship.
- Growth – One thing I struggle with a lot of the time is just being myself. God placed people on this trip who helped me feel comfortable and to be able to be myself. God grew me in being able to get to know people and talk to random people which I don’t usually do, even though I want to.
- Takeaway – I realized I don’t treat my actual brothers and sisters as well as I do my brothers and sisters in Christ. I also saw how much joy everyone has and how hard everyone works for every little thing. It has inspired me to not take things for granted and to not be lazy.
- High – I think this trip was such an incredible opportunity for me to grow and learn more about myself and my faith with the Lord. I think the high of my trip was serving at the school next to Ronny’s house. It was such a humbling experience and I was able to see a joy that I don’t get to see often. Specifically, the little girl Brittney that I got to grow super close with and talk to. It made such an impact on my life in such a short period of time. She didn’t have much, but she still shared her snack with me and had so much light in her that was so contagious.
- Growth – Something I think this trip taught me was how to grow in patience with people I don’t always get along with. I have never been very patient with other people, so being around people I don’t always get along with was a good growing lesson.
- Takeaway – This trip has had such a huge impact on my life, but what I think is going to stick with me the most is the joy I saw in the kids and people of Costa Rica. It has shown me what God’s joy looks like on earth and it’s something I hope to implement in my life.
- High – I high that I had was rafting because it taught me teamwork. Or playing with the kids and getting to know them.
- Growth – Something that helped me grow was when our flights got cancelled. I had to learn patience and to trust that God is always watching over us.
- Takeaway – The people are not as fortunate as us, yet they were grateful for what they have. This shows me to be grateful for everything I have.
- High – One of the highs was the beach day. I absolutely loved hanging with my friends and bodysurfing. I loved playing frisbee and enjoying the sun with the perfect temperature of water. I also loved playing in the pool after and enjoying some juice drinks.
- Growth – With the whole group at devos as we started apologizing to each other for our wrong actions.
- Takeaway – To be thankful for what I have and after seeing the kids and what they have and are content with, being content with my blessings I have here.
- High – Lots of laughs in the bus, rafting, and during the games.
- Growth - I learned that I have to be thankful for what I have because not many people have opportunities like we do.
- Takeaway – I learned a lot from spending time with others on the trip and from other kids in the schools by seeing how happy they were that we were here.
- High – I had a few highs from the trip. I really liked playing with the kids and making them happy. Rafting in the rainforest was super fun and a cool experience. I also enjoyed playing in the basketball games.
- Growth – A growth moment for me was having patience with a lot of different things. It was hard to be patient with everyone on the trip, especially when we were all tired and annoyed with each other. It was also hard to be patient with all the flights being cancelled and changed and stuff like that. But I learned have patience and get through it.
- Takeaway – I had was seeing how happy the people/kids were even when they had little. Everyone there was a lot more friendly and happy to share with us, even when they did not have much. In the United States most people are focused on themselves and doing anything that puts them above everyone else. It made me think how different things can be in different places. Just because we have a lot, and lived in the United States, doesn’t mean we are better or happier than other countries.
- High – I liked being on the farm. All of the plants were beautiful and the air smelled so fresh. During the day I liked waking up to the sunlight that would shine through the windows at the front of the building. While outside, I got to rest in the hammocks and play on the soccer field. I truly felt like I was on vacation when I was outside on the farm. No one was telling me what to do and my health seemed to always improve when I was outside. At night I would stand against the railing and look at the lights of the city that covered the mountains. I was reminded about what goes on and that there are thousands of people who lived lives not knowing a Savior.
- Growth – I need to be less focused on myself and more appreciative of others and their own lives. While I should still be working on improving myself and growing in my relationship with God, it should not always be about me. I should esteem others above myself; taking an interest and considering their own feelings.
- Takeaway – This was a new experience that I can add to my testimony where God was the subject of the trip. Whenever I felt bored or unsure about the purpose of the trip I remembered I was there to be of God and to try and serve him in a new way.
- High – Seeing the kids faces and joy when we were there.
- Growth – How I need to read my Bible more. God will meet us where we are in our walk withi m. And just overall, being thankful in all things – not complaining about being cramped in a car/bus.
- Takeaway – That there are people everywhere following Christ and how I need to be more joyful for the little things in life. Ex. Being grateful for school, air, waking up, etc.
- High – Spending the day at the beach with everyone who was on the trip. I didn’t know them very well, but I became good friends with them all. Also, whitewater rafting and spending the day in God’s beautiful creation.
- Growth – There is a time and place for jokes and sometimes it’s not something you said, it’s when you said it. Even if you think it’s not bad and something you find funny, someone else might not think so.
- Takeaway – We have so much to be thankful for. We are so blessed. These kids have hardly anything and were still so happy.
- High – Whitewater rafting and the basketball clinics. When we did the first basketball clinic we were separated and we got confused so we kind of did our own things. It was fun getting to know the kids. Whitewater rafting was just awesome overall.
- Growth – Definitely patience. With people and traveling.
- Takeaway – God is in control. It also helps having an amazing boss/person in charge like Miss Clausen. Our devos were like studying for our test and the last two days were our test. Do we really believe that God provides, he is There, he is our Shepherd, etc.
- High – I enjoyed being in the kids’ presence because they give you joy like no other.
- Growth – Through hard times with people or flights I had to remember that God is always there. He always has a plan for us no matter what and everything happens for a reason.
- Takeaway – I learned how to have patience with everything. Whether the people or certain aspects of activities being canceled or moved or flights being canceled.
- High – It was really cool to connect with girls in a completely different country over volleyball and college. We just get to talk about life and who knows, maybe I’ll see them at the U of A and have that friendship and connection for the future.
- Growth – I think I grew in the fact that God shows up in so many different ways. I see him in the beautiful nature and rainforests, I see him in culture and kindness, and so many other things. So I’ve just learned to always see Him in everything.
- Takeaway – I can minister and show God’s love and gospel through so many different things. Things like my Instagram account, the way we act, etc.
- High – Getting to connect with the teams we played, as well as connecting with people who I didn’t even talk to before going on the trip with them.
- Growth – I think something I struggled with was being judgmental on this trip. There were a few people I just didn’t click with, but I want to grow and see people how Christ sees them.
- Takeaway – I am going to practice gratitude and not take things for granted. I am also a lot more motivated to deepen my relationship with God, immerse myself in His word, and spend more time with Him.
- High – Connecting with the younger kids and being able to play sports and games with them. And of course, hanging with friends and having a good time.
- Growth – Just growing with friends through sports/games and always trying to have a good attitude.
- Takeaway – Always be living in the present because things can change quickly, but always know that God is in control.
- High – My high from the trip would have to be hosting a clinic at the Pan American school. I love interacting with the kids in English and straight up bonding with everyone. They loved it when I would dunk. To me it’s not that big of a deal because I’ve done it for so long, but to them it was the coolest thing ever and I felt so good knowing that I made some kids’ days.
- Growth – My growth moment was when we had that big forgiveness session and BT’s devotional. I knew I was frustrated a lot on the trip and I never have had a problem with settling disputes with other people. When I talked with another student I knew God was working in them and believe that they are growing.
- Takeaway – My biggest takeaway is that God can work with and use anyone He sees fit. I knew that, but I never truly experienced it. The trip put some perspective in that area as well as the impact we can have on kids and their lives through sports.
- High – Being able to be with kids and spread joy even with a language barrier was so fun. One of the highlights was when I saw a little kid at the mall from one of the clinics he did with us, and he remembered me. The joy across his face will always be vivid in my head.
- Growth – I would say a challenge was not letting certain things get to me. And always being able to not take God for granted, because I think we sometimes do that in America. We have an amazing opportunity to worship Him freely and I think we take that for granted. I loved being able to make new friends and grow with people around me. I was able to see God work through people and work in myself, which was uplifting.
- Takeaway – Definitely glamour girls and the friendships I made on this trip. I was able to meet new people and just see God’s love through others.
- High – My high from the trip was probably playing soccer with Ronny and his family on the field.
- Growth – My growth moment was when we went to the widow’s ministry and I got to hear the story of the neighborhood and how it was built with their hands and it really put things into perspective for me.
- Takeaway – Not everyone has what we have. Especially with the lack of water for hot showers…it made me thankful for hot showers.
Senora Harrison
- High – My high is always getting the opportunity to share Costa Rica’s beautiful culture, nature, and people with students. I love seeing the students’ faces and hearing their thoughts when they experience God’s love and beauty in a different environment than they are used to.
- Growth – My growth moment was trusting that even when things don’t always work out like we planned it, God already knew that and there is something still to learn from that.
- Takeaway – My takeaway is seeing that in God’s economy, nothing is wasted. Everything that happened to us on this trip – good, bad, ugly, or indifferent – was already going to happen. My job then is to continually listen to the Holy Spirit and move according to His purpose and plan even when it looks nothing like what I had in mind.
- High – Overall this trip was good. Every year there are highs and lows, but I think when we take into consideration everything we did and everyone we got to serve, it was a good trip overall. We got to spend time with each other in a beautiful country learning more about Him and his creation. My personal high was when the Pastor at the church, Loretta, and Senora prayed over me. It was so sweet, affirming, and reminded me to trust in His plan because it’s always better than our plans.
- Growth – My growth moment was definitely the travel fiasco. It really tested my patience and my leadership. In the leadership class I teach at Valley we study John Wooden and one of his lessons is “Emotion is your Enemy” – meaning the leader should be steady in all circumstances. People want to trust in a leader who is calm, cool, and collected in the mountains and the valleys. Well as a I was stressing and trying to take things into my own control instead of trusting in God’s plan and believing he would provide (as we studied all week), I kept saying, “Emotion is your enemy” – stay calm! It’s going to be okay! Thankfully the kids were so gracious and encouraging – they prayed for me when I was stressed and it really did help me grow.
- Takeaway – I think the biggest takeaway for me was seeing that God is working in all of our kids lives, which is so encouraging. I loved seeing them use their God given gifts to teach sports and serve all week, but I loved even more getting to hear from them at devos. It was so sweet to hear each of their hearts for the Lord and about how God has shown up for them in their lives. We had some personality conflicts this year, which is not surprising when you have 21 people doing life together for 10 11 days, but I so appreciated our kids working through communication, boundaries, and patience with one another and apologizing and fixing it if they messed up. It really is just a warm up for college in just a few months where some of them will be living with total strangers – how do we live out our faith in those moments of annoyance? Are we patient? Are we kind? Are we not easily angered? Do we keep no record of wrong? Do we live out the Fruits of the Spirit? I am encouraged that our kids all seem to have a genuine relationship with the Lord and are growing in their sanctification every day. Also, I’ll always takeaway that what we do in Costa Rica seems so small to us, but really does mean a lot to the people we encounter
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