2023 - Day 7: YWAM Service Day & Lincoln School Games
This morning we went across town to serve with Youth With a Mission. We reconnected with them last year and it was a great experience today, so we returned to serve again this year.
Abbi explains more about the experience: “YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission. This ministry trains, supports, and equips people to be a missionary wherever they go. There are bases in over 120 countries across the globe. YWAM San Jose is one of the larger bases and serves as a central hub for all the Central American YWAM bases. Currently they are hosting over 80 missionaries from 26 countries for and extensive leadership training school. “We helped this ministry by sorting and putting away wood, cleaning out ditches, washing the work vehicles, cleaning areas of the base, cleaning out under trailer houses, and making cards for their upcoming conference.”
“I worked at the wood pile and it was a mess. We sorted the wood stacks into 4 separate piles depending on their size and thickness, and we created a power assembly line, and efficiently finished the task. We then moved to moving boxes from an area downstairs that was caving in on itself, to a room upstairs where we had to try and lift boxes on top of the cabinets. The boys had to haul each box up a hill to keep the assembly line running. We completed the tasks with ample time to spare, so we went and helped make cards. At 10:30 we marched down the hill, past some large cows, and up another hill where we had our much needed coffee break. The chef prepared delicious cheese empanadas and coffee which was all quickly devoured. We then got to clear out underneath a trailer home and load everything onto a truck where it was all moved to a different location. Underneath the trailer was spider city, so I am so grateful for the gloves! After that we cleared leaves out from ditches along the roads and headed back home after a group picture. YWAM taught us how to persevere and be selfless for the good of others, even when we don’t feel like doing it.“ - Abigail
We came back to the house for a quick lunch then hopped on the bus for devotions and to head to the Lincoln School for our last volleyball and basketball games of the trip.
Allie summarized the volleyball game - “First quarter us glamor girls were just dominating the other girls (but of course the other team slayed too). Korah with her machine gun hits, Kate and her feather sets, Abbi with her awesome saves, and of course us girlies killing it with our teamwork and encouragement. With all of this combined we used this power in the second set. Though we played our best, we lost 21-25, but still slayed the whole game - killing it. Third quarter was just perfect. We had awesome encouragement from our coach Ms. Clausen, assistant coach Senora Harrison, and then last but not least, our assistant co-co coaches Jacob and Issac. All the girl bosses used all of our amazing volleyball skills and took home the trophy. First win for the volleyball girlies this trip!!! We couldn’t have done it without all of our coaches. After the game we got to mingle a little with the other team and it was fun that we got to speak some English with them. This win was for glamor day. #slayboss #glamorgirl #bossqueen #KORAHTHEEXPLORA” - Allie
Next up the boys played in their last game, summarized by Luke. “The game starters were Scottie jumping, Jake, Isaac, Grant, and myself. Everyone got to play and most of us scored. We were off to two twenty point leads in the first half. During halftime, Ronnie told Jake that if he dunked, we would make a special trip to McDonalds….he ended up getting 2 dunks!! The game ended up getting pretty intense as the final score was 89-88, with the Trojans winning by 1. MorĂ³n played in the game, getting trampled the whole game, but she’s tough and didn’t even complain and even scored! She was a huge baller! I had a special request from ladykate, and she said that “you better make four 3’s” and I did. It was a great game! #UNDEFEATED #LEAGUECHAMPS” - Luke
We then followed up on the McDonalds bet and everyone was able to get some ice cream before coming home for dinner and Devos.
Tomorrow is our last day and we are looking forward to serving and visiting with the widow’s ministry. One of the missionaries at YWAM challenged the kids to be looking out for what God has to share with them the next couple days, so please be praying for all of our kids to have soft hearts in this last day of ministry and Devos!
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