Day 8b - Debrief & Put Ups for Each Other
Last night was such a late night debriefing, that we had to wait to include this information in today’s summary. We finished up our devotions on love last night and spend some time going around the circle letting each other know what it is we’ve loved about each person on this trip. While not everyone is a Words of Affirmation person, we thought it would be important to give everyone a put up while we were together one last night…
- Kate
- Cooper - Kate and Korah killed it in volleyball and it was fun to watch
- Kalei - Both Kate and Korah did a great job keeping up with the Costa Rican girls in the volleyball game
- Harrison - Kat is so gifted in what you do, it’s like there’s no effort, it just looks natural. What’s better is that there’s no boasting, you just go out and do it.
- Andre - Very good with the clinics and teaching.
- Clausen - Kate has the sweetest spirit. While she is an incredible gifted athlete, she’s also just a great human. So sweet, such a servant, and a friend to all. So glad she was on this trip this year and that we could get to know her a bit better.
- Señora
- Clausen - I can just cry thinking about how blessed we are to be able to spend time with Señora Harrison. She is an incredible woman with so much wisdom. She is such an inspiration to me in her walk with God. She really spends time with him in scripture and worship and you can tell - her love for God just oozes out of her. I can’t stop thinking about how she grew up in Limón, Costa Rica, and now we get her in Chandler, Arizona every single day.
- Kalei - Señora Harrison has such a sweet voice and calming to me.
- Keira - Thank you for opening up your home and family to us, I feel so much closer to you and where you come from.
- Riley - Anytime you speak I always take away something from it. You are very inspiring to me.
- Andre - So inspired by your faith.
- Korah - I really appreciate you staying here with me while I was sick.
- Carolyn - I love to see you laugh and the things that make you laugh.
- Hannah - You just bleed Jesus, scripture just flows out of you.
- Carolyn
- Jose - Love that Carolyn always wanted to get up early and go running - seeing her dedication was inspiring.
- Cooper - I was impressed by your communication with the people here, you did a great job here using your Spanish.
- Clausen - I am just so impressed by your relationship with Christ. It is clear you have a deep relationship with him and a solid understanding of scripture. Every time we had devotions you would just speak scripture over and over. It’s amazing, so mature, and very rare for someone your age!
- Hannah - Loved your question asking, how you were so committed to getting to know people on our trip, including moving dinner seats to purposefully sit next to different people and get to know them.
- Kate - Loved that you always tried to do your best at whatever you were doing, including all the sports, service, everything!
- Harrison - You have such a beautiful heart for the lord at such a young age - it’s amazing. I love our time together here, but also at school, I always look forward to those times you come in at lunch to just chat and catch up.
- Hannah
- Clausen - I love Hannah’s intentionality in everything she does. She has so much thought and purpose behind how she spends her time, what she wants her life to look like in the future, how she wants to be as a future mom and wife, who she spends time with, what she doesn’t spend time on, in her sports, and in her catering business, and in getting to know other people. I love her intentionality and you can see how it has just made her such a mature person who can connect with anyone she comes in contact with. Hannah, you’re amazing!
- Riley - Loved that Hannah always has a positive attitude in everything she does, also she’s really good at ping pong!
- Alena - Loved watching her beat Ronny today in ping pong.
- Harrison - Hannah has such a beautiful balance of a work ethic and relationship with Christ. I always know when I turn and look at you in class or here on this trip I get the nods and engagement, it really means a lot to me. Your love for the Lord just radiates off of you.
- Carolyn - It was so cool getting closer to Hannah on this trip, she is just so kind. She always makes eye contact and is engaged in conversation. She is genuinely interested in who you are as a person, no matter who you are.
- Jose
- Korah - Genuinely love to watch you interact with the kids the whole week. You are great with them.
- Brenden - I really appreciate the translation all week. I didn’t know anything and you really helped me out.
- Andre - Loved Jose’s patience all week, especially with translating and letting us depend on him.
- Clausen - I love Jose’s constant energy, happiness, and excitement for life (powered by Fanta). He is really an amazing guy and has so much to bring to the table, both athletically, but also with connecting with every single person that comes in his path. He can be the life of the party but also can have a deep conversation. It’s a great balance.
- Harrison - As much fun and crazy he brings, there is this other part to him that is introspective and he notices things. He is really intuitive.
- Hannah - Thank you for your sense of humor, it brings a lot of joy to the group.
- Alena
- Jose - While we were in Limón, Alena, Grant, and I stayed up VERY late playing card games. It was so fun.
- Riley - I got to know her a little more since we were sitting across from each other on bus and we just had lots of laughs, especially the night we went out to dessert, we had a lot of fun together.
- Clausen - Loved seeing Alena’s personality come out on this trip. At school she seems pretty quiet, but this whole trip I loved hearing Alena’s fun comments (about the cows mostly) and I loved seeing her connect with so many different people on our team and with those we served.
- Hannah - Alena is so smart, also, she won a lot of card games!
- Harrison - I just see in you a servant’s heart - you are always looking for a way to be a blessing. Even when you played volleyball, I saw that on the balls you didn’t get, you immediately took responsibility and looked for ways to serve the team.
- Riley -
- Alena - I had a lot of fun getting to know her better on this trip, especially laughing a lot about random things. It was so fun to get to know her.
- Brenden - I really liked seeing her play soccer. She was the first person to go barefoot in Limón and jump in with the kids.
- Clausen - I love Riley’s quiet confidence - it seems like she is always in control of her body and emotions. But even though she’s so soft spoken and gentle in real life, it’s really fun to watch her intensity and fierceness come out when she’s playing her sport. I am really going to be praying for you as you head to college for soccer and hopefully are a pro one day - you are a great role model to younger female athletes!
- Harrison - I absolutely love your discipline - you just know what it is that you need to do to get better. The way you play your sport, what you eat, how you work out, how you spend your time - it is inspiring! Also, even though your love language is not physical touch, I hope you’ll let me give you a hug!
- Jose - Riley is the definition of a dedicated athlete - she eats so healthy, it’s something I wish I had the discipline to do.
- Brenden -
- Jose - Watching Brenden go against Jose’s twin on the basketball court was so fun
- Carolyn - Loved seeing him open up a little bit, it was cool to get to know him better, we had good conversation at the table.
- Andre - Love your willingness to put yourself out there all the time and be goofy.
- Dylan - Love how good you are with the kids, they all thought you were a celebrity.
- Riley - Thank you for letting Clausen use your phone the whole trip and take all the pictures, that was a lot of patience!
- Kate - Brenden literally knew no Spanish but he still tried to talk to the kids the entire trip and used what he had. He was so good with kids and they all had fun with him!
- Harrison - Love Brenden’s enthusiasm, he goes from 0 to 60 like this. But as much as he’s fun, he’s also a servant in many ways.
- Clausen - I am just so glad Brenden came on the trip. I know that he was hesitant for a while, but I can’t imagine the trip without him. He was so selfless the whole trip, from giving 100% with the kids at all times, to letting me use his phone for photos the whole time, to getting up with BT at 4:30 AM on our last day to help Ronny make a fern delivery… I am really proud of you Brenden and see a lot of growth in you!
- Grant
- Jose - I knew Grant ahead of this trip, but but have seen him open up a lot to the group. Of course, we also have to shout him out for dropping 40.
- Korah - I was so impressed with Grant’s humbleness - he has so many hidden talents that we all discovered (Karate, Piano, Basketball, Soccer, and more!)
- Andre - I admire your patience with everyone calling you Grantula, I would have probably gotten annoyed.
- Cooper - I admire Grant’s ability to not speak all the time - I envy that and don’t have the discipline.
- Alena - I loved watching him try to speak to the kids even though he didn’t know a lot of Spanish. Kids thought he was a celebrity the whole time.
- Carolyn - The word that comes to mind when thinking of Grant is meek - strong confidence but doesn’t flaunt it.
- Harrison - I love his quiet spirit - not to be confused with weakness. It seems like you are confident in who you are and you don’t try to change and be like everyone else.
- Clausen - I didn’t really know you at all going into this trip, but I loved seeing you become friends with literally everyone on the trip, you were the star of the trip! Thanks for always being willing to play every game and serve in any way!
- Cooper -
- Kalei - Thanks for giving me socks for the volleyball game.
- Andre - I didn’t really know you at all before this trip and had just heard of you. I am glad I got to know you.
- Jose - Just thought it was funny the amount of kids he brought to me to translate for him.
- Hannah - Loved how you were willing to try new things. For example, the zip line even when you were scared and going to Costa Rican food with us when everyone else went to subway, I did not think you’d choose that. Also, you are so good with the kids and you were always super into it, especially at volleyball clinic.
- Riley - It was really fun to work with you at the YWAM ministry and of course chasing the dog through the jungle.
- Harrison - My favorite thing about Cooper was when we were at the church. I watched him dancing and you could tell he was just having a blast and has a blast doing whatever he is doing.
- Clausen - I love your positive and light hearted attitude. You made every situation more fun. From dancing to cheering to playing with the kids. You really do brighten every room and you connect with every person you come in contact with. I also appreciate you listening and asking questions to people in the hot seat. I appreciate you wanting to get to know others.
- Keira -
- Carolyn - Keira was so sweet and would ask her how she was doing, she also had great questions in the hot seat.
- Hannah - I loved watching you work with kids - you just have a tender heart about you. I loved getting to know you on this trip!
- Brenden - I loved watching you working with kids. Thank you for putting up with me the whole time.
- Clausen - I just think you have such a servant’s heart. You are constantly caring for others. Nothing you did was for show, but you were always talking to kids, quietly translating, hugging and loving on people, asking how you could help, and stepping in when we needed it. I really enjoyed getting to know you better on this trip and love your heart for people.
- Harrison - I loved seeing your protective side - the big sister looking after little sister. You were always looking after others and caring for one another. There is a leader in you - don’t shy back from that!
- Alena - At first I was not excited about doing this trip with my sister, but it was fun getting to hang out with her and I do feel like we’re closer after this experience.
- BT
- Brenden - I love your ability to be patient, you always listen to what everyone has to say, whether they are good things or bad things. You are always the last one to eat, last one tout the door, and the last one working in the room. I also appreciated you eating the food I didn’t eat.
- Jose - I played basketball for BT freshman year, but it was a fun experience to play with him on this trip - has a really good shot.
- Andre - Thanks for giving me a chance to play basketball even though I haven’t played in a long time.
- Cooper - Even though Ben dropped from the trip you weren’t discouraged, but you were still into it the whole time.
- Harrison - I LOVE Bryan, he has a beautiful combination of being a hard nose but also having a deep love for God. It is so refreshing to see male leadership like this.
- Clausen - I just love Bryan and am so thankful for making such a big sacrifice to leave his wife and baby to come on this trip and serve. I truly don’t know how we would do it without him - he is such a leader, such a servant, and such a help when it comes to this trip. I agree with what Señora said, but our guys should look up to Bryan’s leadership style. He is one of the hardest workers out there, but is so humble and gentle at the same time. He has a deep love for the Lord and really cares for our students.
- Hannah - I loved that you always had something to share after Devos, it felt like the Holy Spirit really leads you.
- Dylan -
- Andre - I find it really cool that Dylan thinks painting is peaceful. I have a similar feeling with woodworking and it is cool to see that you have that same feeling.
- Brenden - Loved to see you hard work at painting, even after everyone left you stayed and finished the job.
- Keira - I loved your dedication to everything you do. You give 100% in everything you do.
- Jose - Sitting in the back with you the the whole trip was a fun experience.
- Carolyn - I love seeing the adventures he gets himself into - in zip-lining he was the fastest one, falling off ladders, etc.
- Kalei - Thanks for being so nice to everybody, even though he didn’t know everyone coming into this trip.
- Clausen - I have really loved seeing your growth since freshman year. You are such a hard worked and it is very obvious that you have a deep love for the Lord and really do want to honor him in everything you do. I am so glad you were on this trip and I am so impressed by you.
- Harrison - I also have been so impressed by the growth since your freshman year. It is really fun to see God work in your life. I love that mistakes and things you’ve done in the past do not define you, but God defines you. Keep looking to him.
- Andre -
- Keira - You are so attentive to everything. You ask deep questions and genuinely think about every situation. You are very intelligent.
- Cooper - We make jokes about the math, but it’s all because we know how smart you are. You don’t let it get to your head.
- Hannah - I loved your intentionality in using Spanish with kids, you also gave your all in basketball.
- Carolyn - I love that you want to have purpose behind everything you do. If you have an answer, you have practical and logical reasons behind it.
- Harrison - I love your attention to details, academic or otherwise. You are engaged and in the moment always. I love the way that there is something within you that hungers for God even if others don’t see it.
- Clausen - I love that you have a growth mindset and always want to know more about people, how things work, where we’re at. You are constantly asking questions, which shows me you really care - about people, about the places we’re visiting, about the ministries were serving. I love your heart to want to always do better and to help out in any way you can.
- Korah
- Andre - I thought it was crazy that you were so sick you had to stay back and sleep at home then 24 hours later you were kicking butt in volleyball.
- Alena - I loved that even though you were not feeling good you still tried to help and hang out with kids.
- Jose - I have gone to volleyball games, but not beach games and seeing you and Korah play together was awesome.
- Harrison - You are absolutely gifted and I love the way you go about it. It’s like watching art in motion. When you weren’t feeling good you didn’t complain, just went about the day and did your best.
- Clausen - I loved your composure in every area of your life. You are just so steady. Even when you were feeling sick, even when you weren’t playing your best, you were steady and gave to others and did not focus on self. You never complain, but you always serve and love on others. I just love your overall spirit and the way you carry yourself - it shows me you have a confidence in the Lord and not in yourself.
- Dylan - I had never really talked to you before this trip, but I loved your sense of humor.
- Carolyn - I loved talking at YWAM about college. I thought it was so interesting when you were talking about the recruiting process - it just seems like you really are trusting in God’s plan, whatever happens. You are so talented and so gifted in so many ways.
- Kalei -
- Korah - I am just really proud of Kalei on this trip. I have known her forever and she used to be terrified of everything - so the fact that she went out of her comfort zone to go on a missions trip was really cool.
- Andre - I loved seeing her face her fears in the waterfall adventure.
- Harrison - I loved spending time getting to know you, even though I had you as a student I got to see you in a new light. I loved watching you take things on and trying it and going for it.
- Hannah - I loved the night at the cafe just getting to talk and be girls. I remember you telling me sometimes people tell you that you have a serious face and don’t look happy, but I think you have a very fun disposition.
- Dylan - I loved seeing your servant’s heart - you helped out wherever you could and were always doing something to serve.
- Clausen - I am so glad you came on this trip. I really enjoyed getting to know you better. I think the devo you had assigned, “Love is not self-seeking” perfectly describes you. In sports, in the way you care for others, in the way you ask people questions, you are never looking out for your own interests - only the interests of others. You are so fun and so sweet and added so much to our trip!
- Ronny -
- Kalei - Loved how you loved everybody right away. You didn’t know anybody but acted like you knew everyone right away.
- Cooper - Thank you so much for helping me with Spanish.
- Brenden - I loved how you talked to everyone. You are so good with kids and so good with change, always keeping your composure. None of us expected you to have a relationship with us, but you were always talking and having a relationship with you was one of the highlights of the trip.
- Jose - It was so fun to watch him and Riley go head to head in soccer, and it was really nice to talk to you 1:1 at the basketball game.
- Andre - I really enjoyed getting to know you, especially our conversation at lunch at YWAM. It was so refreshing. I also think it’s so funny that Clausen just showed us a small blurry picture before the trip and said this is Ronny, you’ll be best friends with him by the end, but we had no idea what to expect - you added so much to the trip!
- Riley - Thank for being a prime example of the welcoming Costa Rican culture.
- Hannah - I love that you brought such a fun sense of humor and made our trip so much better. I also appreciate your servant’s heart to translate everything - you missed out on a lot because of translating.
- Bryan - I am just so thankful that I can say I truly have a friend out of the country. I absolutely love coming here and hanging out with you. We always laugh because you’re not very humble at times, but truly you are. You are running the farm, up early before everyone, getting jobs done while we’re driving around, getting things figured out by texting while we’re all having conversations. We don’t notice how hard you’re working because you’re always present.
- Keira - Thank you for the sacrifice you made for our team. You put your whole life on hold to pour into us and this trip wouldn’t have been the same without you.
- Dylan - Thank you for being such a good influence on us. I think we all kind of want to be like you when we grow up.
- Harrison - Ronny knows how I feel about him, but when I come home I just feel so connected to home and so connected to Ronny. I feel so close to him, I love his servant’s heart, he is always giving and giving and expects nothing back.
- Clausen - I can’t say it all without crying, and usually have to write it down, but I just love Ronny. I can’t imagine our trips without him. He is such an amazing human who is such a great example to our students - so hardworking, so selfless, so fun, so intentional. Everything he does is done with grace, he connects with every person he comes in contact with, and he really cares. Just like our trip changed when we had a new driver at the end because LuisCa was so amazing, I can’t even imagine what our trip would look like without him. He brings so much life and energy into our group and I am forever grateful for what he pours into our kids.
- Clausen
- The students all shared some incredibly sweet and touching things about myself as well, but I was too busy crying to write anything down. I am so grateful for what they all said and will remember it all. We talked about Words of Affirmation being my love language on this trip, so what they said to me really filled my bucket more than they could ever imagine. Love these kids and these chaperones.
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